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2017 District Tournament To Do List

TBD Indicates there is nobody assigned to the task so it's "to be determined". This is where we need help.

Temporary Fencing – Lead by School

  • Add fence on north side of parking lot AFTER bunker cleanup - School

Cleanup Bunker – Lead by Troy

  • Remove old fence rolls - Charlie Manning will remove by this weekend

  • Remove the knocked over tree - TBD

  • (completed 6/29) Remove Pallets

  • (Completed 7/2) Remove any other material/trash - Troy

  • (Completed 7/2) Knock down weeds with loader – Troy

  • (Completed 7/4) Weed whip and spray any remaining weeds - Troy

  • (Completed 7/4) Move bags of clay on pallets into the white shed behind concession stand – Troy

Left field and right field Grass Lines – Lead by Eric

  • (Completed 7/1) Get the sod cutter – Troy will ask Scott Towne and deliver by Saturday 7/1

  • (Completed 7/1) Bring a long string to use as a guide - Troy

  • (Completed 7/1) Cut the sod – Eric planning to do it on Saturday 7/1.

  • (Completed 7/2) Remove sod - Sandy, Valerie, Lane, Troy

Crushed Brick – Lead by Troy

  • (Completed 7/2) Deliver in pile outside field – Troy

  • (Completed 7/4) Move brick to the warning track after cleanup – Troy

  • (Completed 7/4) Rake brick - Eric

Infield Low Spots – Lead by Eric

  • (Completed 7/4) Haul the sack of material to the infield – Troy

  • (Completed 7/4) Spread in low spots with Eric’s direction - Troy

Fertilizer – Lead by Troy

  • (completed 6/27) Fertilize the infield

  • (completed 7/1) Fertilize the outfield - Troy

Shed Door

  • (completed 7/1) Short term, screw the plywood back on - Dick

  • Longer term, fix the shed door & floor. This could be done now if someone has the time - TBD

Parking – Lead by Sandy

  • Lead the parking effort during the tournament. This has been an area of concern from Iowa High School Athletic Association. We want to do well so we can host again. - Sandy

  • Contact local police to help OR be the lead on this volunteer effort – TBD

  • Create a pattern to park the cars so we make sure we don’t box people in and get as many cars as possible - TBD

  • Dry run/test this at the next home game - TBD

  • Find a place for buses to park - Eric

  • Have players park somewhere else - Eric

Press Box Hole – Lead by Charlie Manning

  • Fill in the existing hole – Charlie manning

  • Remove the plywood – Charlie manning

  • Remove the small temporary fence around the hole – Charlie manning

Mowing and Striping – Lead by Eric

  • Contact Kenny Baker to mow and stripe the field - Eric

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